Sunday, November 25, 2007

EfBS unit 13 Finance and accounting

bankruptcy; invoice; revenue; ledgers; equities; assets; overheads; debtors; liabilities; budget; investor; returns; balance; fixtures; depreciation; creditor; capital; drawings; goodwill; expenditure; dividend; bankrupt; auditor; discount; security;

Match the words above with the dictionary definitions which follow
1. The spending of money, on advertising for example.

2. Articles such as display cabinets which would be difficult to remove.

3. A payment to shareholders when a company has made a profit.

4. A person whose affairs are in the hands of an Official Receiver.

5. Another name for ordinary shares.

6. The person who takes on the responsibility for checking a company's accounts.

7. Possessions which can be converted into cash.

8. A deduction made from the price of goods when payment is made promptly.

9. Debts which will have to be paid either now or in the future.

10. A list of goods which have been sent to a customer indicating the amount charged to their account.

11. The situation when the two sides of the accounts are equal.

12. The books of account showing how much we owe and are owed.

13. Goods which are not wanted after all, usually because they are faulty.

14. The proprietor's withdrawal of funds from the business.

15. The proprietor's stake in the business.

16.:.. People who owe us money.

17. The fall in the value of an asset as a result of waste or usage.

18. A person to whom we owe money.

19. Something which is valuable yet intangible.

20. The situation facing persons who cannot pay their creditors.

21. Money received from sales.

22. The device which aims to control expenditure.

23. The costs attached to maintaining fixed assets such as plant and machinery.

24. An asset such as a share certificate which can be offered as a safeguard when a loan
is received from a bank.

25. Someone who buys something in the expectation that it will rise in value.

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