Sunday, November 25, 2007

Unit 30 Entrepreneurs and Venture Capital listening 1d

market revenue write plan deploy prior overview seize

Ed Coombes Business plans tend to be between 30 and 60 pages long, and so 1_______to any meeting with the company I like to see what they've 2________ down on paper about themselves. You first of all find a two-page, what we call executive summary, and that is basically an 3_______ of the next 50 pages or what this business 4_______ is roughly about and what you are going to expect to read. The next, the first chapter tends to be what the company is going to do. The second chapter tends to be the 5________ opportunity. The third chapter tends to be the strategy of how they're going to 6________ the investment and 7________ this market opportunity. Fourth chap, fourth chapter tends to be the 8________. Fifth chapter is the competition. Sixth chapter is the management. Seventh chapter is marketing, advertising and normally at the, at the end is the finance needed. There you are, there's a quick business plan for you.

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